Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Well, I have been back in America for three months now, missing Indonesia right now, hoping that one day God will bring me back to that beautiful country again. Well, this is the last time for now that I will be writing about my adventures in Indonesia. I am truly grateful for the Lord bring me there and the things he showed me. The friends I made, were a big blessing to me. I will never forget them. Now its time to write about my life here in America, until God calls me somewhere else....Thank you for your prayers!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hey everyone,
Today is my last day in Asia!!! I'm going back home to America tomorrow. Please pray for safe travels. Thank you all who has prayed for me.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

One more week in Indonesia!! God is good!! He has brought me here. I couldn't do it without HIM. I got to share a devotional tonight with the missionary ladies here tonight. It was a huge blessing. One thing I learned while being here is how important it is to stay in God's word (the Bible), my relationship with Jesus Christ, and my relationship with other believers. And also to be a light to the people who need Christ. Can't wait to go home and tell everyone about my time here in Indonesia. I will be spending five days in Singapore and then going back to America. Please keep praying for me as I spend my last week here in Indonesia.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for praying for me. I have two more weeks left here in Indonesia. Please pray for me, I still need to get my ticket from Indonesia to Singapore so I can be able make my flight to America. Pray that I will have enough money for it also. If you still want to give, that would be a big blessing. Thank you.