Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day at Church!!!

I got to Church late today, I sat in the middle with one of the missionaries. I started singing the songs. Some of the songs I didn't know at all and some of songs I did know, but in English. Another missionary family asked if I wanted to sit with them and said they could translate the sermon for me if I wanted them to. I said yes and I sat with them. The sermon was on Revelation 12:10-17. He talked about the woman who brought fourth the man child and the dragon persecuted the woman and how the end times are coming soon. It was good. The whole church service was good. The church was really hot inside and all the doors were open. The church is a small church. It reminds me of Dr. Quinn and Christy... :-> Next time I will get a picture of the Church for all of you so you can see it. Bye for now.     


  1. I love attending church in other languages! It is challenging to understand, and tiring, (especially when it is hot) but it reminds me that our God is so much bigger than my worldview. God doesn't only speak English, or speak like I understand. We serve a HUGE God!

    Love you!

  2. I so agree with you!! I loved hearing the sermon in another language and even the songs in their language!! It was so cool...
